
FTC Investigates Big Tech's Ties with AI Pioneers OpenAI and Anthropic

Published January 26, 2024

Amid the growing influence of Big Tech on nascent technology sectors, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is deepening its scrutiny into the investments made by major technology firms into artificial intelligence startups such as OpenAI and Anthropic. This antitrust probe aims to ascertain how these partnerships may affect strategic choices and price-setting behaviors within the tech industry.

Understanding the FTC's Concerns

The core of the FTC's inquiry revolves around the potential for anti-competitive actions that could emerge from the collaborations between heavyweight tech players and innovative AI startups. By examining investment details and the terms of partnerships, the FTC intends to illuminate whether these ties are influencing market dynamics, such as stifling competition or manipulating pricing structures.

Big Tech's Involvement with AI Startups

Two notable stocks, MSFT and GOOG, are representative of the broader trends in Big Tech firms making strategic investments in AI companies. Microsoft Corporation, denoted by its ticker symbol MSFT, is an American technology conglomerate with vast interests ranging from software development to hardware production. As of recent years, it has also taken a keen interest in the sphere of artificial intelligence, looking to bolster its presence within this revolutionary field.

Alphabet Inc., with its ticker symbol GOOG, stands as the parent company of Google—one of the original Silicon Valley giants. It's keen to remain at the vanguard of technological innovation, and its involvement with AI startups is demonstrative of this ambition. The FTC’s probe aims to ensure such involvement does not cross lines into anti-competitive behavior.

The outcomes of the FTC's investigation could have significant implications for both the artificial intelligence market and the Big Tech companies' place within it. As the agency delves into the details of these partnerships, all eyes will be on the ramifications for industry dynamics and regulatory measures going forward.

FTC, Antitrust, Investigation