
ICICI Bank Sets Ambitious Carbon Neutrality Goal for Scopes 1 & 2 by FY32

Published August 18, 2024

ICICI Bank Limited IBN, a leading financial institution offering a plethora of banking products and financial services both in India and internationally, with its headquarters nestled in Mumbai, has taken a significant step in its sustainability efforts. According to its ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) Report for the fiscal year 2023-24, the bank has demonstrated a firm commitment to environmental stewardship by aiming to achieve carbon neutrality for its scope 1 and scope 2 emissions by the financial year 2032. This initiative represents a pivotal move in the bank's strategic efforts to mitigate its environmental impact and align with broader global climate action goals.

Sustainable Financing and CSR Initiatives

As detailed in its latest ESG report, IBN has made noteworthy strides in its commitment to sustainable practices. In fiscal year 2024, IBN has significantly increased its allotment for corporate social responsibility endeavors to Rs 5.19 billion, marking a substantial rise from Rs 4.63 billion allocated in the previous fiscal period. This upscale in investment indicates the bank's consistent efforts toward supporting a variety of crucial CSR activities, encompassing education, healthcare, sustainable livelihood, and rural development projects, reinforcing its dedication to catalyzing positive social change alongside its business operations.

Financial Performance and Market Presence

From a financial perspective, IBN's enhanced focus on ESG initiatives dovetails with its robust market presence and operations. As a heavyweight in the financial sector, ICICI Bank Limited is recognized for its comprehensive range of services spanning retail banking, project and corporate finance, investment banking, insurance, venture capital, asset management, and more. The move towards carbon neutrality underlines the company's proactive approach in aligning its expansive operations with the urgent need for climate action, evidencing its acumen in not just financial matters, but also in corporate citizenship and ecological stewardship.

ESG, CSR, Sustainability