
Federal Government Allocates $29 Million to Bolster Housing Supply in Calgary

Published November 17, 2023

The city of Calgary has witnessed a significant boost in its housing infrastructure with the infusion of $29 million in federal government funds. This substantial capital injection is earmarked for the development of new rental accommodations through fully repayable, low-interest loans facilitated by the Rental Construction Financing Initiative (RCFi). This strategic investment aims to alleviate the housing challenges in Calgary, granting more residents access to safe, secure, and affordable living spaces.

Understanding the Rental Construction Financing Initiative

The RCFi is a critical component of the National Housing Strategy, designed to support the construction of rental housing across Canada. It provides financial backing to developers and encourages the creation of units that are affordable for middle-class families. This loan program fosters community and economic growth by making it more feasible for builders to meet the rising demand for rental properties.

Impact on Calgary's Housing Market

The $29 million allocation to Calgary's housing market underscores the federal government's commitment to ensure that Canadians across different income brackets can find a place to call home. This investment is not only expected to expand the city's housing supply but also to stimulate the local economy through job creation and development opportunities. Projects funded under the RCFi are poised to make a lasting positive impact on the community by offering stable housing solutions.

Housing, Investment, Government