
The Disproportionate Advertising Spend in Digital Walled Gardens

Published April 27, 2024

Despite users spending less than half of their digital media time within 'walled gardens,' these platforms are attracting a predominant share of advertising budgets disproportionate to the time users spend on them. Walled gardens — ecosystems where the platform operator controls all operations, including content, data, and interactions — include major players such as Facebook FB, Google GOOGL, and Amazon AMZN. Given their closed environment, they are able to offer advertisers robust targeting capabilities, better performance measurement tools, and, consequently, higher returns on investment (ROI).

Understanding the Attraction of Walled Gardens

So why do advertisers commit a remarkable 5.5 times more of their budget to walled gardens than the open internet? Despite occupying only 48% of digital media time, these platforms provide a lucrative ecosystem where advertisers can closely track the effectiveness of their advertisements. Through intensely personalized targeting and access to exclusive data, walled gardens deliver ads with precision to the desired audience. This higher conversion rate justifies the increased advertising expenditure, as the ROI is seen to outweigh the costs. Moreover, the ability of these platforms to keep users engaged within their ecosystem for various needs – from social interaction and entertainment to shopping and information – creates a fertile ground for brand messages to resonate more profoundly.

The Economic Logic Behind the Spend

From an economic standpoint, the return on ad spend (ROAS) within these walled gardens can be significantly higher. Advertisers are voting with their wallets, backing the value these platforms provide through their sophisticated algorithms and extensive data. Additionally, the fear of missing out on prime digital real estate, within platforms that host billions of interactions daily, drives companies to allocate more funds there. With the rapid growth of e-commerce and online services, platforms like Amazon AMZN see an ever-increasing flow of potential consumers that are ripe targets for advertisers seeking to capitalize on direct paths to purchase.

advertising, investment, digital