
The Dawn of Tax Season and the Emergence of New Federal Programs Impacting the Tax Prep Industry

Published January 31, 2024

As the calendar turns to a new year, the inevitable arrival of tax season takes center stage in the financial world. Tax season officially commenced this week, with Monday marking the first day taxpayers could initiate the process of filing their tax refund documents with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). This period often generates considerable activity for companies in the tax preparation sector, including those like Intuit Inc. INTU, a major player with its widely used TurboTax software. Yet, the introduction of a new Federal program could potentially reshape the competitive landscape, influencing the fortunes of relevant companies, such as Certara CERT, which operates in the adjacent field of biosimulation technology for drug development.

The Impact of Federal Tax Programs on Tax Preparation Firms

Federal initiatives designed to simplify the tax filing process can present both challenges and opportunities for tax preparation service providers. For companies like INTU, which has built its reputation on providing streamlined tax solutions through TurboTax, changes in tax policy or administration can affect customer preferences and demand. While INTU continues to innovate within the financial software space, extending its reach through offerings like Mint for personal finance and QuickBooks for small business accounting, new Federal programs that reduce complexity or costs for taxpayers could potentially undermine the market for third-party tax preparation services.

The Role of Certara CERT in the Emerging Scenario

In the face of evolving market conditions for tax-related services, Certara's CERT focus on optimized drug discovery and clinical development may appear tangential. However, as a company providing key technology services that intersect with data analysis and regulatory compliance, Certara is peripherally affected by overarching trends in the fiscal and regulatory environment. With biosimulation software playing a critical role in accelerating drug development timelines and enhancing regulatory success, CERT maintains a strong position within its niche, poised to adapt to shifts in the broader financial context.

Tax, Technology, Finance