
Atlantic Canadians Urge Government Action on National Flood Insurance

Published January 26, 2024

A survey recently conducted by Pollara Strategic Insights unveiled a strong plea from Atlantic Canadians for federal intervention in the realm of flood insurance. With the rising incidence of flood-related disasters in the region, the demand for a comprehensive national flood insurance program is reaching critical levels.

Widespread Support for Federal Flood Insurance Initiative

The statistics are compelling; out of 1,500 individuals surveyed across Atlantic Canada, an overwhelming 71% are in favor of the federal government undertaking measures to establish a national flood insurance program. This majority is indicative of the urgency felt by residents facing the perennial threat of flood damage to their homes and livelihoods.

Implications for Insurers and Investments

Such a program has the potential to significantly affect the landscape of insurance and investment within the region. Insurers and stakeholders are closely monitoring the situation, as federal action on this matter would likely necessitate adjustments to risk models, coverage offerings, and pricing. This could have consequential impacts on companies within the insurance sector, identified by stock tickers such as , and potentially influence investor decisions in the insurance and broader financial markets.

Insurance, Flood, Government