
Appia Announces Significant Rare Earth Oxide Discoveries at PCH Ionic Adsorption Clay Project

Published January 17, 2024

Appia Energy Corp. has made a significant announcement regarding the reanalysis of over-limit assay results from a drill hole identified as PCH-RC-063 at its PCH Ionic Adsorption Clay Project located in Goias, Brazil. The reported findings have revealed an impressive concentration of rare earth oxides (REOs), highlighting the potential for substantial mineral wealth at the site.

Exceptional Concentrations Unveiled

The results from the reanalyzed data have shown remarkably high levels of total rare earth oxides (TREO), with the presence of 92,758 parts per million (ppm) over a 2 meter span. Furthermore, medium rare earth oxides (MREO) were detected at 13,798 ppm and heavy rare earth oxides (HREO) at 2,241 ppm across the same interval. These findings are encapsulated within a broader total weighted average across a 24-meter range, which tallied 38,655 ppm TREO, 6,869 ppm MREO, and 1,380 ppm HREO, underscoring the rich and diverse mineralization present within this drilling section.

Implications for the Market

The discovery of such high levels of REOs is a promising development for stakeholders and potential investors in the rare earth sector. Rare earth elements are critical in the manufacture of high-tech products and advanced electronic materials, fueling the demand in various industries including defense, renewable energy, and consumer electronics. The reported assay results from the PCH-RC-063 drill hole position Appia's project as a potentially significant source for these valuable minerals. The strategic importance and rising demand for REOs combined with this announcement could posit positive implications for the company’s market valuation and investor interest.

Stocks related to the rare earth sector may see a reflection of this news in their market performance, including relevant stock tickers APIA REMX LYSCF MATX MCPHF among others.

Appia, TREO, MREO, HREO, Investment, RareEarth, Mining, Brazil, DrillResults, REE, Technology, Defense, Energy, Electronics, Market