
Investing Like a Billionaire: Spotlight on Two Stocks with High-Profile Ownership

Published June 12, 2024

Investors worldwide constantly seek insights into how billionaires manage to continuously grow their wealth through intelligent investing. Two particular stocks, which are currently owned by billionaires and are considered robust investment opportunities, stand out. These companies not only demonstrate strong fundamental business models but also have influential backers with a history of success in the market.

Unveiling a Tech Juggernaut: GOOG

Alphabet Inc., under the ticker GOOG, is more than a familiar name in the tech industry. As an American multinational conglomerate headquartered in Mountain View, California, it stands as a representation of innovation and technological evolution. Having undergone a significant restructuring on October 2, 2015, Alphabet emerged as the parent company to Google and its several subsidiaries, maintaining its two co-founders as controlling shareholders, board members, and involved employees. Notably, Alphabet has secured its position as the world's fourth-largest technology company by revenue and is recognized as one of the most valuable companies globally—a true testament to its success and an attractive option for investors.

Discovering Potential in Pharmaceuticals: PSHZF

On the other hand, PSHZF symbolizes an entirely different sphere—pharmaceuticals. The investment in this sector often requires careful analysis, as the stakes involved in the success of new drugs and treatments can be substantial. Investors who have the foresight to back the right companies can find this sector to be highly lucrative, making PSHZF an interesting prospect for those seeking to diversify their portfolios into healthcare.