
Research Shows ChatGPT's Gaming Skills Lack Luster with 'Doom'

Published March 16, 2024

In an intriguing intersection of artificial intelligence and video gaming, a researcher at the University of York set out to evaluate the gaming prowess of ChatGPT, the advanced AI developed by OpenAI. The experiment involved the AI playing the classic first-person shooter game 'Doom', a title renowned for its historical significance in the gaming industry. However, the result of this ambitious endeavor was far from impressive—the AI's performance could only be described as subpar, showcasing a painful display of gaming strategy.

The Experiment: AI Meets FPS

Theoretically, AI systems like ChatGPT are designed with the capability to learn and adapt through interaction with digital environments. The challenge undertaken by the York researcher was to assess how well ChatGPT could handle the dynamic and often chaotic scenarios presented in fast-paced first-person shooter games. Even though AI has excelled in various tasks, this experiment shed light on the limitations and current developmental stage of AI when it comes to gaming—a task that requires intricate decision-making and motor skills.

Impact on Investors

This revelation may be of particular interest to investors of companies involved in AI technology. Microsoft Corporation MSFT, a leading entity in the tech industry, widely known for its significant investments in AI, could see such experiments informing future developments and investment in AI gaming strategies. Microsoft, creator of the Xbox and numerous other technology products, continues to expand its footprint in both the software and hardware domains. The experiment outcomes may hint at the path forward for AI applications in the realm of entertainment and beyond. Persistent growth in AI capabilities could contribute to the long-term value of Microsoft for the stakeholders.

Conclusion: A Reflective Perspective on AI's Current Limits

While the use of ChatGPT in the game 'Doom' did not meet the expectations of vivid gameplay, it provides a moment of reflection on the state of AI and its potential trajectory. Continuous advancements are evident in various sectors, with AI becoming ever more interwoven in society's fabric. For industry giants like Microsoft MSFT, these developments are pivotal in shaping investment strategies, technological innovation, and the overall direction of technological progress.

AI, gaming, research