
Vincent Country Safe Zone Activity Day Empowers Las Vegas Community During Super Bowl Week

Published February 7, 2024

During the week of Super Bowl LVIII, Matt Kelly Elementary in Las Vegas, NV, became the hub of inspiration and health awareness thanks to the seventh annual 'Vincent Country Safe Zone Activity Day.' The event, themed 'Dream Bigger, Achieve Greater,' was backed by a significant contribution from lead sponsor Cigna Healthcare CI. Cigna's involvement extended beyond financial support as they provided critical health services such as free biometric health screenings and skin cancer screenings for faculty, parents, and members of the local community. Additionally, Cigna helped safeguard the vision of the future by offering free eye exams and glasses to PreK-5 students, ensuring that nothing stands in the way of their educational development.

Community Support and Artistic Inspiration

The event was also marked by the artistic contributions of Zebra Technologies, whose sponsorship included a leave-behind mural designed by the talented Courtney 'Yard$' Haywood. This piece of art not only added aesthetic value to the surroundings but also served as a lasting reminder of the event's positive impact and the importance of nurturing community spirit. New partners joined forces this year to bolster the event, showcasing the power of collaboration in promoting wellness and aspiration among young learners and the community at large.

Cigna, ZebraTechnologies, Community