
Natural Gas Services Witnesses a Surge in IBD Stock Rating

Published July 17, 2024

The IBD SmartSelect Composite Rating for Natural Gas Services (NGS) observed a notable increase to 96 on Tuesday, ascending from a previous rating of 94. This upward adjustment signifies that NGS now outperforms 96% of all other stocks in the market when graded on a range of key performance indicators.

Understanding the Composite Rating

The IBD Composite Rating is an amalgamated measure that evaluates a stock's fundamental and technical metrics, providing investors with a comprehensive outlook on its overall strength. By achieving a score of 96, NGS demonstrates superior stock performance and potential investment appeal compared to the broader market.

Comparison with Industry Counterparts

In comparison to other industry players, such as TechnipFMC plc (FTI), which operates in the oil and gas projects sector from its headquarters in London, UK, and Archrock, Inc. (AROC), an energy infrastructure company based in Houston, Texas, NGS exhibits a competitive edge through its enhanced rating. NGS, with its focus on providing natural gas compression equipment and services in the United States, garners attention with its headquarters in Midland, Texas, and its improving market standing.

These rating upgrades serve as a quantifiable reflection of a company's market position relative to its peers and are often used by investors to make informed portfolio management decisions. As such, the uplift in NGS's rating potentially indicates an opportune moment for incremental investment consideration, whereby the stock's performance might lead to rewarding outcomes.

Investment, Rating, Performance