
150 Aspiring Female Politicians Gear Up for Statehouse Change at Vote Run Lead's RUN/51 Summit

Published November 29, 2023

Empowerment was in the air in Detroit, Michigan, as Vote Run Lead Action, the nation's foremost training nonprofit for women aspiring to hold political office, convened the much-anticipated RUN/51 Summit. Aimed at galvanizing a diverse cohort of women to engage in politics, the summit was a springboard for 150 determined attendees, all poised to reshape the political landscape. This aligns with the organization's bold RUN/51 initiative, which seeks a future where women—in all their diversity—make up at least 51% of every state legislature in the United States.

A Congress of Firsts

The summit underscored the dramatic shift towards inclusivity and representation in political offices. Workshops, panel discussions, and training sessions provided participants with strategic insights into campaign management, policy development, and effective governance. Through sharing experiences and forging networks, these women are equipped to tackle upcoming elections with confidence, aiming to contribute a richer, more diverse voice to statehouses nationwide.

Empowering Women in Political Leadership

Vote Run Lead Action's mission resonates across the political spectrum, seeking to transform governance through the lenses of gender and inclusion. As more women from various backgrounds step into the political arena, they bring with them fresh perspectives and innovative solutions to pressing societal issues. This summit marks another stride towards achieving gender parity in elected offices, strengthening democratic institutions by reflecting the true composition of the American populace.

empowerment, diversity, leadership