
The Unconventional Wisdom of Investing in a Backyard Pool

Published March 4, 2024

In the realm of personal finance, conventional wisdom often suggests that one should prioritize investments that promise solid returns. Home improvements, such as installing a backyard pool, are typically considered suboptimal choices due to their questionable impact on property value. Nonetheless, an anecdotal reflection on spending $40,000 on a backyard pool reveals that financial return on investment (ROI) doesn't always paint the complete picture of value.

The True Value Beyond Financial Gains

While the financial metrics may not favor backyard pools as prudent investments, the intangible benefits they offer can far outweigh fiscal considerations for some homeowners. Joy, leisure, and the creation of lifelong memories represent significant value that isn’t reflected in traditional investment calculations. For one homeowner, the decision to invest in a backyard pool was driven by the desire for a private oasis—a personal retreat enabling family gatherings, relaxation, and recreation. In this light, the $40,000 expense was deemed the best purchase ever made, transcending the limitations of financial ledger lines.

The Financial Perspective

From a strictly financial standpoint, investing such a substantial sum into a backyard pool might raise eyebrows among seasoned investors. Typical yardstick measures like stock performance, as measured by tickers such as AAPL or MSFT, and real estate appreciation trends, usually don't support such an allocation of resources. However, the calculus changes when personal satisfaction and lifestyle enhancement are taken into account. In this regard, the pool investment becomes akin to purchasing a luxury item or spending money on vacations—expenditures that don't necessarily promise ROI in monetary terms but are invaluable for personal gratification.

Moreover, it's essential to acknowledge that real estate markets are local, and the impact of a pool on property value can vary significantly. In some regions, a pool could indeed boost a home's desirability and, consequently, its potential resale value.

investment, lifestyle, realestate