
WeWork and Bed Bath & Beyond: Stock Market Gambles in 2023

Published December 26, 2023

In the thrilling world of stock trading, 2023 has seen its share of dramatic gambles. While some investors follow conservative strategies, others dive headfirst into high-risk territories, betting on companies facing financial ruin or clinging to life by a thread. This story of high-stakes investment delves into the turbulent journeys of companies like WeWork and Bed Bath & Beyond, whose stocks, WEWOW and BBBYQ respectively, became the unlikely darlings of daring traders seeking fortunes on the edge of financial precipices.

The Allure of Bankruptcy Bets

There's an undeniable enticement to wagering on the underdogs of Wall Street. These investors find a peculiar thrill in tracking the pulse of struggling companies like BBBYQ, the ticker symbol that once belonged to a giant in the retail business. In the face of bankruptcy filings and reorganization plans, some investors see a twisted opportunity. They anticipate the high volatility could lead to massive returns, despite the knowledge that the company's valuation is hanging by a hair's breadth.

WeWork's Tumultuous Ride

Glimpsing over at the coworking space industry, WEWOW symbolizes WeWork's volatile passage through the stock market. The company's reputation for burning through capital at an alarming rate doesn't deter a subset of stock pickers who bet on the possibility of a spectacular turnaround. The journey, replete with dizzying ups and down, serves as a siren call to those who find the mundane wisdom of prudent investing to lack luster.

The Simplicity of Index Fund Investing

Contrastingly, 2023 has also shown that one didn't need to join the ranks of these adrenaline-fueled gamblers to see a return on investment. The simplicity and reliability of low-fee index funds outshone the complex, often stress-inducing machinations of high-risk stock maneuvers. The mantra of many a successful investor this year was to buy into these diversified funds and merely let the markets do their work, thereby enjoying profitability from the ultimate position of comfort: their couch.


The financial stories of WEWOW and BBBYQ serve as emblematic representations of the wildest stock hustles of 2023. While the siren song of quick gains from daring bets on troubled companies will always have an audience, this year has reinforced the wisdom of low-effort, long-term investment strategies. Despite the allure of playing the market's high-risk game, many investors are reminded that sometimes, the best play is the one that calls for the least action.

stocks, trading, investment