
The Unexpected Rise of Paper Check Fraud in a Digital Age

Published November 20, 2023

In an era where digital transactions are becoming the norm, it may come as a surprise that paper check fraud is experiencing a resurgence. Despite the convenience and increasing security of online banking and electronic payments, a significant segment of the U.S. population continues to utilize paper checks. This reliance on a seemingly outdated method of payment has opened a window of opportunity for fraudsters.

The Permanence of Paper Checks

While some may believe that paper checks are nearly obsolete, they remain in circulation and are used by various demographics, including both individuals and businesses. The perceived security of a physical document can be a misleading comfort, leading many to overlook the risks associated with paper checks.

Modern Fraudsters and Traditional Checks

Con artists have developed sophisticated methods to alter and forge paper checks, leading to significant financial losses for unsuspecting victims. This resurgence of check fraud is not limited to those who frequently use checks; even individuals who pay their bills online and write checks infrequently can be at risk. The prevalence of banking information on paper checks gives fraudsters the tools they need to perpetrate their schemes.

fraud, banking, checks