
Sustainability of the Small PSU Bank Share Rally

Published November 19, 2023

Investors who have been closely monitoring the Indian banking sector might have noticed an impressive rally in the shares of small Public Sector Banks (PSBs). However, specialists in the field raise cautionary flags, suggesting that the underpinnings of this surge might not be as solid as they appear. The rally in question has been primarily fueled by a spike in other income, which has significantly contributed to the superior Return on Equity (RoE) for these banks in the fiscal year 2023. Yet, the sustainability of this situation has come under scrutiny.

Factors Contributing to the Recent Surge

The robust rally in small PSB shares has caught the attention of many market watchers. A deep dive into the financials reveals that a notable jump in other income—comprising of fees, commissions, and gains on investments—has played a pivotal role in bolstering the profitability of these institutions, hence driving the stock prices northward. During the financial year 2023, these income streams emerged as prime contributors to the healthier RoE figures that small PSBs reported.

Potential Risks and Expert Expectations

Notwithstanding the current optimism surrounding these stocks, industry experts caution that the spike in other income might be ephemeral. Analysts expect there might be a derating in the valuation of smaller PSBs if this income surge proves to be a short-lived phenomenon. As fundamental business growth is crucial for sustained performance, reliance on transient income sources could expose these banks to potential risks should the contribution from other income diminish in the forthcoming fiscal periods.

Investor Considerations

Given the uncertain duration of the increased other income, investors are encouraged to exercise due diligence and consider the long-term fundamentals of these banks. Whether the superior RoE can be maintained without the continued support of robust other income figures remains to be seen. As such, a thorough assessment of future income streams and earnings sustainability is imperative for those looking to invest in the shares of small PSBs.

investments, PSUBanks, sustainability