
Finalists Announced for the Lionel Gelber Prize 2024 Highlighting Pivotal Economic Literature

Published February 10, 2024

The Lionel Gelber Prize 2024 has unveiled an illustrious list of candidates known for their significant contributions to discussions on economic and technological progress. Notably, two works have attracted considerable attention. 'Power and Progress: Our 1000-year struggle over technology and prosperity' by Daron Acemoglu, published by PublicAffairs, a division of Hatchette Book Group, delves into the historical interplay between technological innovation and economic prosperity. The second book, 'Underground Empire: How America weaponized the world economy,' released by Macmillan and Co. U.S.A., offers a candid exploration into the geopolitical strategies shaping global economic policies.

The Influence of Media and Transportation on Investment Sphere

The New York Times Company, under the stock ticker NYT, operates as a multifaceted news organization with a broad-reaching impact on public discourse, influencing perspectives on events such as prestigious book awards and their consequent effects on culture and investment. Based in New York City, the company is a respected name in the realm of digital and traditional media.

Uber Technologies, Inc., recognized by its stock ticker UBER, has profoundly transformed the transportation and delivery industries. Based in San Francisco, California, Uber's innovative approach extends beyond ride-hailing to encompass a variety of logistic services, further highlighting the crucial role technological advancements play in economic development and investment opportunities.

Literature, Economy, Technology