
2024 Verizon Mobile Security Index Highlights Rising Threats, Jamf Data Sheds Light on Mobile Security Concerns

Published August 14, 2024

As mobile technology continues to evolve and intertwine with every aspect of daily life, security risks in the digital realm are escalating, particularly in the realms of mobile and Internet of Things (IoT) security. The 2024 Verizon Mobile Security Index brings these issues into sharp focus, with Jamf providing key insights on the mounting threats that are especially consequential to critical infrastructure sectors.

Verizon's Comprehensive Security Analysis

The 2024 Verizon Mobile Security Index, represented by the stock ticker VZ, is an authoritative report that annually assesses the landscape of threats targeting mobile devices and IoT applications. The latest iteration reveals a continuing trend: threats are becoming more sophisticated and far-reaching, affecting every stratum of the digital ecosystem. Verizon Communications Inc., an American telecommunications giant, has incorporated the findings of the report to aid businesses and consumers in understanding and mitigating security risks.

Jamf's Role in Elevating Mobile Security Awareness

Jamf Holding Corp., represented as JAMF, has contributed critical data and insights to the report, underscoring the need for robust mobile security strategies. Jamf, headquartered in Minneapolis, Minnesota, specializes in Apple enterprise management and has leveraged its expertise to highlight the vulnerabilities and potential attack vectors malicious actors are exploiting. These include threats to both the software and hardware of mobile devices, which if compromised, could lead to significant disruptions in services and confidentiality breaches, especially within crucial infrastructure facilities.

In line with the increasingly connected nature of workplaces and the shift towards a more mobile-centric work environment, the data presented by Jamf and analyzed in Verizon's index emphasizes the need for organizations to prioritize mobile device security and employ comprehensive security measures to combat the surge of cyber threats.

security, mobile, IoT