
India's Job Market Conundrum Amidst Elections: The Rising Tide of Informal Employment

Published May 6, 2024

As election campaigns gain momentum in India, a spotlight has been turned on the state of the nation's employment landscape, particularly concerning the youth. The Indian job market has observed a significant shift towards informalization, with informal jobs increasingly becoming a common resort for the younger workforce. This trend has been on the rise, particularly after the country's economy was hit by the COVID-19 pandemic. The concern now lies in the quality of employment available to the newer generations.

Aspirations Versus Reality

The aspirations of young Indians like Rohit Kumar Sahu vividly paint the contrast between dreams and reality. From a young age, Sahu envisioned a future with a college degree in hand and a secure white-collar job. However, such aspirations are becoming increasingly difficult to achieve. For many young people, the pursuit of formal employment remains a challenge, with informal jobs—characterized by a lack of job security and benefits—becoming a fallback option.

Rippling Effects on Economic Prospects

The trend of informal employment has implications that ripple across the economy. It not only affects the lives of individuals like Sahu but also reflects on broader economic indicators. The robustness of a nation's workforce is often gauged by the quality of job opportunities it provides. With the pandemic exacerbating the situation, there is a pressing need for policymakers to address this growing concern to ensure sustainable economic growth and stability.

employment, informality, youth